The SWU origin story...

Webflow is a great platform, but like any platform, once you hit the edges of its feature set, you're left to figure things out on your own.

Just like you, we pressed those boundaries and came up wanting. Features that were almost there, but not quite.

Our clients demanded more than Webflow alone could provide.

And so we began building libraries and toolsets to fill those gaps.

Thus was born Sygnal Webflow Utils (SWU)

Webflow is a great platform, but like any platform, once you hit the edges of its feature set, you're left to figure things out on your own.

Our team

How does it work?

Our tools work with any Webflow site, using Webflow's own popular hosting environment. To add our features, we add client-side scripts that add functionality to the website after you publish it.

We can do some pretty amazing stuff that way...

  • Add tables into your Rich Text areas
  • Embed collection lists inside of other collection lists
  • Absorb your SVGs into your page, and style them with CSS

Yes, this added Content benefits your SEO

But wait, didn't you say "javascript?" Can Google see my script-generated content?

Yes it can. The web is dynamic, and based on features like AJAX and dynamic content loading. Google has adapted to this reality- and in many cases, led the way. In fact, according to SEO experts Merkle, Google does a pretty darn good job of indexing JavaScript-generated content.

Some key points from Merkle's article;

  • We ran a series of tests that verified Google is able to execute and index JavaScript with a multitude of implementations.
  • We also confirmed Google is able to render the entire page and read the DOM, thereby indexing dynamically generated content.
  • SEO signals in the DOM (page titles, meta descriptions, canonical tags, meta robots tags, etc.) are respected.
  • Content dynamically inserted in the DOM is also crawlable and indexable.
  • Furthermore, in certain cases, the DOM signals may even take precedence over contradictory statements in HTML source code.

So have no fear, your SEO ranking is safe.

Need some special programming done?

Contact us, we'd love to hear your project.